Monday, March 28, 2011

My Friday,Saturday.......

Well it was Friday morning and mom comes running into my room and tels me to get up and start cleaning,so we clean for house and then we went to walmart and i stayed in the truck with the kids until mom got out of the store then we went home,I worked cleaning the yard and helped clean the house.then.....then Joanna came home with 3mily and they went upstairs and I stayed down cooking.....boring.
Then I my friends Jacob,and Jeremy came and we played a little,Mostly I entertained Kayli =P
Me and Kayli followed Joanna and 3mily around the dark starlit field+p it was tons of fun.
then Saturday..........We went to Qic pic and I sat by Kayli an Kayla......nothing against those two but not exactly the seating arrangements I had hoped for.=/ it was all fun and good,Had a wonderful time with Dylan's web cam......O_O yeah,lols.and that's what happened.=)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

True story number one.

Well this is the first story I'm writing for my blog on my six week plan on writing a True life story every week,I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoy Writing them for you.

Okay well this story is about a camping trip We had last April.....This is the first time this story has been published. {Viewer discretion is advised}

Okay it was a cold raining spring night when this story took place,in the woods of liberty county. The four of us all in a tent Trying to breath as we gasped for air in the small tent,Charley sweat running down the side of his red face his eyes full of tears sat quietly in the corner of our small tent.Micah was crawling on the floor of the tent looking for the source problem,Caleb in the other corner looking for anything to help solve the dilemma pulled out the only thing he could find,And old deck of playing cards,We were all off guard and unprepared for the terrible problem at hand.Matthew was laying in the middle of the tent in his sleeping bag Laughing an evil laugh,as he laid in a old sleeping bag,Micah Finley found what he was looking for.It was inside Matthew sleeping bad,Micah instantly began To fix this terrible mishap,He balled up his fist and struck it.Matthew sat up quickly and stop laughing,everything was dead silent,All we could hear was the load booming of the lightning and the rain landing on the roof of the tent. Charley got up to help Micah,I quickly open my deck of cards and put all of them in my left hand.Rushing to Micah I handed him and Charley some cards to help,once again the terrible noise came from Matthew sleeping bag shaking the whole tent,It sounded as if there were some monster,some unknown creature in our tent.Charley then quietly told me as if not to alert Micah and Mathew that if lightning were to strike close enough this whole tent and its men would be a goner. At that next moment that God forsaken noise came from the bag again this time Charley,Micah and me all began throwing the deck card at excess 80 MPH. Matthew scram out in pain as we jolted him,No one could breath our eyes were watering keeping us from opening our eyes,the pitch black tent moved violently as the cards flew into the walls I Leaped onto Matthew,Pounding him with my fist,then kneeing him in the chest,Micah grabbed his legs,Just as Charley prepared to give him the ICEMAN SLAM OF FURRY Matthew Farted again,All of us doping his lifeless body,Micah scram "RETREAT,ALL MEN RETREAT!" We all ran to out backpacks took out our gas mask(AKA T-shirts) WE strapped them to our faces and went back to the Suspect,He then Rolled out of his sleeping bag,We could here him moving around,We all sat there terrified wondering what would happen next,It was pitch black,I couldn't see my hand in front of my face,Eyes watering we a split second with the flash lightning our tent lite up in a blue glow,We saw Matthew with a whop-pie cushion Micah dove but it was too late,Matthew hurled the rubber bag into Micah's face,Micah scram in agony as he fell on the floor,I leaped into action sending cards all directions hitting Matthew across the eye,He Yelped and clutched his eye and laid down,I rushed to Micah's side while Charley finished Matthew off .I rolled Micah over,It didn't look good,I immediately Forgot my CPR training,and left him there to go get help,He found the strength to stand in the gloomy tent,He gasped for fresh air,I helped him to the tent door,I quickly unzipped the door,And stuck Micah's head out in the rainish damp wind,He began to breath I padded him on the back and assured him it would be okay,Were almost done I told him with a smile,He coughed and did an encouraging smile,We turned faced the tent and ran, screaming at the top of our lungs we leaped head first into the tent,landing on Charley shattering his pelvis,We rolled him to the the corner and We pulled out a Blow dart gun, Matthew still releasing toxic fumes,Micah had to sadly ........okay Matthew died....

The gratitude to our soldiers how Fought in this war of toxins.
Charles R. Danley 1995-present
Micah S.Childs 1992-present
Caleb M. Ayers 1996-present

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hacking....and my blog,and Saturday

Well today I was bored and had remembered seeing something I didn't like on someones yahoo profile so.......of course I hacked it,It took me two tries to fig out there password and I was in there email account,I simply went to there updates and deleted the one I didn't like.I was so proud of myself,I got in,got the job done,and got out in under two minutes.

Okay now to other news,I am so happily telling everyone that I am going to be posting a story that is "True" from my life,once a ........week.and I am going to do so many random post that people will no longer want to read my blog.=D
Okay yeah thats whats on my mind right now also...... I'm like WAITING for Saturday to get here already...yeah,its going to be worth the wait I think.=)

Monday, March 21, 2011

who set roman laws?

Okay I want to tell everyone,I am bored.....thankyou that is all.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Well Saturday,I woke up to my mom shaking me saying "CALEB,GET UP THE HOUSE IS OF FIRE!"........Okay not really she said something waaaay worse....."Caleb,Its time to plant the garden"=\.ON SATURDAY! In the Earlie morning says sh wants me to plant her a garden....well I planted the garden,Washed the car,Then.......I got all ready to go out to Eat with my 3rd bestest friend Jeffrey!But......he had to go to the gator nationals with his dad......I know he did not want to go see Awesome cars the do 300 MPH in under 4 seconds and then not get to see some one whose as awesome as yea,And then I was like "Well i got to eat with someone or else I will have to pay the Whole Entire Tip..... so I was desperate(REALLY,REALLY DESPERATE) so I got on yahoo,looked and no one was on,except.......Deacon,So I asked deacon if he wanted to eat with me and he sends,(No dude,I'm busy working with my dad.) I was like well I need you to come eat with me so I don't have to pay the tip!Then he finally got the point that I just didn't want to pay for the tip and said "no,dude".I called him a backstabber and stopped talking to him.So then I started texting Beth I was like "No one will Eat with me!" And she was like "Sorry" I was like why would this girl I don't really know be sorry that Jeffrey and Deacon Betrayed me?? After a while of talking she turned out to Be Hannah Redmond,Witch totally freaked me out.So we get in the car to take Joanna to Katy's house,Because Katy was turning 15 and she had a birthday party,So I went with my grandma to drop Joanna off,and guess who passed us! It was Kay Pickron and she had Kayla up front and they never saw us! And we followed them all the way to the Edwards house and I played like we were cops,Then Finally My grandma was like "Caleb! Shut UP!"I was like well if you would buy a siren I would not have to make the noise.well any who we dropped Joanna off 15 minutes late and Then we left for......Walmart,We went to subway and I Just got a drink still sulking that my Friends would betray me On Katy's birthday of all days.Well I was laying on the LONG,Fluffy Bench in subway,and Then.....THE HUNTERS CAME IN WALMART!!! I followed them Right before I JUMPED on Ashley......okay It was Evan,Right before I Attacked him hey all walked into the Bathrooms! So I went over to the Checkout and waited for what seemed like an eternity,Finally Evan,Zeb,And "Hunter Dan" walked out of the Bathrooms and waited for Ashley to Get out of the Women's Bathroom......While they were waiting I walked up to them And Evans Mouth Like fell Open,Then I was like,"Hello!" Evan with mouth still Open his dad says"Well look whose here."I instantly Turned around and started looking,Finally I asked him.......whose here.Then he was talking about me,I was like OH,well 30 mins later Ashley comes out and We all started off On our Awesome adventure called,"Find the Brandy" Well Sadly It did not take long to find her,I was hoping we would all walk through the store for hours looking,But we quickly found miss Hunter thanks to Ashley's Good Eyes at the Fruit section,Hunter Dan said I could Follow them every where Like a Stalker! so I Got in his Buggy and he started pushing me around through the store......okay not really but I did follow them. Once we Got done walking around they were getting ready to leave and so I left to ind my Grandmother in Walmart So I found her at the sporting good section,We walked around,I found a wallet I really like And bought it.Then we were ready to Leave walmart and Go pick Joanna up from Katy's party,So we Started off looking for there house and I found it and ALL,ALL the Girls were outside,So I went into the Mob and found Joanna and Was like Joanna Dear......Its time to depart.....She threw her camera at me and aid TAKE A PICTURE, Beth and Kayla we arguing about how Kayla's IPod ITouch is NOT a Phone.Finally everyone settled down every one did there very own smile and I took a Picture for them.They wanted more Pictures,And Hannah and Danial kept Screaming "MAN CHILD!" then everyone would start laughing.......All the girls there were miking fun of me! i see now why Jeffrey Hurried and left,They were all there for one reason.....To kill Guys self esteem,I Felt terrible,So I SCRAM AT THEM!.......not really I Slowly walk up the hill to the car got in the car and Texted Beth and told her I was so Leaving.Then I left,and went straight home and Went to my room and listened to Beethoven......What a Sad Day......But I did Watch a movie later on and it made me feel allot better.well that's what I did Saturday. thanks for reading.
Man Child

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My life story

Okay,I wanted this to like be the Longest blog I have ever made!
This story I'm about to tell is the story of my life and how i've gotton to where I am today.
I was born on June the 9th in the year of 1996 in the Tallahassee Mamorial Hospital,From the my Parents broght me home in there Old beat up car,My dad was a Law inforcement officer in Blountstown at the time of my birth.BTW-I was told this from my dad Before he......Left for work so I really wouldnt Know if all this is true,I do know that dad was a Police ofiecer becoase all the Police officers wake at me and shake my hand and tell me they remember my dad,And That I Looked just like him......I think they ment when he was 22 years old i looked like him,Cuz I dont think I look like some 40 year old all.....
So yeah I was born and then I was Brought Strait home to My Older sister Joanna How Was about 16 mounths old,She enjoyed Pulling my hair and Pulling on my head to get onto the couch,so I Slowly became older,And I Loved Passifires! I still do but do to the fact that i'm Nearly 15 years old it would be awkward walking around with a passifire in my mouth....
WE biult a new house in 1997 and my dad bought a new 1997 dodge intreped,After building a house buying cars you could emagine the amount of debt we were in,so the salotion! ..............yup you guessed it,they had two more kids zack and Josh,Zack was born in 2000,and Josh was born in 2002,it now 2003 we were ready to sell the house,we sold it to some old yankees and moved two houses down,and built a new house again,but this time debt free,we were totally out of debt and had a wonderful new house.
Now it was at this time it was the year 2004,i was 8 years old and as dumb as 8 year old.We were going to a home church of about 50 people.I slowly matured to be called a 10 year old so it would have been 2006,In this year my pop bought His 2004 Corvette,(he has it to this day),we at the time had a 1987 lx mustang and we tradded it for a 1990 lx mustang,it turned out that that car was ...........Junk,so we tradded it in on a 2007 yamaha 660 grzzly,witch I wrecked in 2009 I didnt hurt in or myself,I was driving in the ditch and the wheel coght on the inbankment and it flipped throwing me off land just beside where it flipped,while the fourwheeler was turning sideways and I knew I was in big truble,Thought went thrugh my mind,What if I brake my neck???What if I die?? I would never have a family or a job! I would be dead! So why was I flying through the air?? Becouse I was a 12 year old brat who had nothing better to do then to Drive a gigantic I flipped it and landed in the water filled ditch,I slowly got up and looked in amazment as the 600 lb macheine lay sideways in the ditch.I slowly walked around my dads fourwheeler just looking to see how bad the damage was,(there was no damage other than the Mud all over the handle bars ) so With all my strenth I Pushed on the heavy beast and managed to flip it back onto its wheels,cranked it up and drove it home,I quieckly washed al the Orenge clay off the Handlebars and parked it,And yeah I told dad but not until recently after we sold it did I tell my dad I got up to 56 MPH!!! The wind in my hair and cars pulling out in front of me on the dirtroads.....okay noone pulled out in front of me but I did go 56 mph and it was a residitial dirt road and if anyone would have happend to pull out I so would have t-boned them.
So yeah last month we sold the Fourwheeler and I am like so bored,,Now Since I cant look cool on my $6,000 fourwheeler,I walk my American bulldog who barks at everyone,So now everyones scared of me Cuz Im running all over screaming"STAY BACK OR ILL LET HER OF THE LEASH!" and my lil naighbor (Brat!)named ....Of al things "REMINGTON".yeah,hes a lil brat and hes scared of my dog so I use that to my advantage...
Yup And I like My friends who are reading this long post,I thank all of you for reading this.
Thank you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

General that crossed the alps with elephants !

The Title to this post has nothing to do with this post i'm typing.
I wanted to tell Everyone how unbelievably Happy I am and wanted to tell you all that I look forward to seeing you Sometime on in the future and to PLEASE Look Out For (R.O.U.S.)'s.
(btw-Theses massages are for like tons of different people)And also Id like to tell you,"I miss you so terribly much,its driving me insane!
And 3mily I need you to like have your mom drop Jeremy and Jacob off at my house some time for like a day so we can play chess and checkers and what ever else....and Ashley I need you to tell Zeb that I think I found out where my keys are and tell Evan that my knuckles are swollen and sore and that he is so going to die next time we dual.(if I don't break all the swords again).
And yea so every one just read this and then,comment and I will respond to your comments. thank you

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Have a wonderful birthday and I hope you have plenty more to come.
I Have you a birthday present waiting in my room I hope you like it=)
I will give it to you Saturday.=)
With lots of love
M.Caleb Ayers