Thursday, March 24, 2011

True story number one.

Well this is the first story I'm writing for my blog on my six week plan on writing a True life story every week,I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoy Writing them for you.

Okay well this story is about a camping trip We had last April.....This is the first time this story has been published. {Viewer discretion is advised}

Okay it was a cold raining spring night when this story took place,in the woods of liberty county. The four of us all in a tent Trying to breath as we gasped for air in the small tent,Charley sweat running down the side of his red face his eyes full of tears sat quietly in the corner of our small tent.Micah was crawling on the floor of the tent looking for the source problem,Caleb in the other corner looking for anything to help solve the dilemma pulled out the only thing he could find,And old deck of playing cards,We were all off guard and unprepared for the terrible problem at hand.Matthew was laying in the middle of the tent in his sleeping bag Laughing an evil laugh,as he laid in a old sleeping bag,Micah Finley found what he was looking for.It was inside Matthew sleeping bad,Micah instantly began To fix this terrible mishap,He balled up his fist and struck it.Matthew sat up quickly and stop laughing,everything was dead silent,All we could hear was the load booming of the lightning and the rain landing on the roof of the tent. Charley got up to help Micah,I quickly open my deck of cards and put all of them in my left hand.Rushing to Micah I handed him and Charley some cards to help,once again the terrible noise came from Matthew sleeping bag shaking the whole tent,It sounded as if there were some monster,some unknown creature in our tent.Charley then quietly told me as if not to alert Micah and Mathew that if lightning were to strike close enough this whole tent and its men would be a goner. At that next moment that God forsaken noise came from the bag again this time Charley,Micah and me all began throwing the deck card at excess 80 MPH. Matthew scram out in pain as we jolted him,No one could breath our eyes were watering keeping us from opening our eyes,the pitch black tent moved violently as the cards flew into the walls I Leaped onto Matthew,Pounding him with my fist,then kneeing him in the chest,Micah grabbed his legs,Just as Charley prepared to give him the ICEMAN SLAM OF FURRY Matthew Farted again,All of us doping his lifeless body,Micah scram "RETREAT,ALL MEN RETREAT!" We all ran to out backpacks took out our gas mask(AKA T-shirts) WE strapped them to our faces and went back to the Suspect,He then Rolled out of his sleeping bag,We could here him moving around,We all sat there terrified wondering what would happen next,It was pitch black,I couldn't see my hand in front of my face,Eyes watering we a split second with the flash lightning our tent lite up in a blue glow,We saw Matthew with a whop-pie cushion Micah dove but it was too late,Matthew hurled the rubber bag into Micah's face,Micah scram in agony as he fell on the floor,I leaped into action sending cards all directions hitting Matthew across the eye,He Yelped and clutched his eye and laid down,I rushed to Micah's side while Charley finished Matthew off .I rolled Micah over,It didn't look good,I immediately Forgot my CPR training,and left him there to go get help,He found the strength to stand in the gloomy tent,He gasped for fresh air,I helped him to the tent door,I quickly unzipped the door,And stuck Micah's head out in the rainish damp wind,He began to breath I padded him on the back and assured him it would be okay,Were almost done I told him with a smile,He coughed and did an encouraging smile,We turned faced the tent and ran, screaming at the top of our lungs we leaped head first into the tent,landing on Charley shattering his pelvis,We rolled him to the the corner and We pulled out a Blow dart gun, Matthew still releasing toxic fumes,Micah had to sadly ........okay Matthew died....

The gratitude to our soldiers how Fought in this war of toxins.
Charles R. Danley 1995-present
Micah S.Childs 1992-present
Caleb M. Ayers 1996-present


  1. That was so weird and funny.Caleb how you think up that stuff or is it true?
